This is
our story...

It all begins with grumble...

Ah, have children, they say, will be fun, they say. Well, really. It's fun. Until you realize that the wolf of the night bars, the motivator of others, the participant of public life that you once were, turned into a belly scratching "tonight I’ll stay at home" type of person. Sounds familiar?

We have no doubt that whether you are a busy once-a-week GYM visitor mom or a never-swimming pool visiting Dad, you certainly remember those days then you were the center of your world, you had the time and strength not just cross dive the pool but drink it. Ok, not the pool, but, admit it, you could drink a lot :)

So, we two friends Darius and Andrius in this situation saw three things:

  1. There are many people who feel so.

  2. We, not the children, are to blame for our inability to plan, set goals, and stick to them.

  3. We know how to manage family activities simple and enjoyable.

We know this because we create digital products and test them on our families using our professional skills. Of course, when we introduce a new product into our small family markets, we are constantly met with protests, rebellion, and "oh no, not another Excel" comments, but after a few weeks, peace of mind and realization that the product actually works sets in. Well, there are obviously products that do not work. But we don't show them to you.

Meet Darius

Data analyst, rational left brainer of the duo. He has been working with numbers for 13 years and has been learning to do so for another 20 years. Likes biathlon, vinyls and quarrels. Lives in a house near the pond with daughter Ingebroga, son - Gustav and his second side (and better) - Jurate.

Meet Andrius

Kristijonas and Una's dad, Juste's lover. He worked as an art director in various advertising agencies for 14 years but would rather have a pasta truck and feed summer vacationers on European seasides. Enjoys a wide range of creations, from tart baking to dream collection.